For Young Friends (high schoolers)

Seven teens standing in a line, three are wearing masks, all are posing with smiles.
PFM Young Friends 2023


High schoolers — known in Quaker circles as “Young Friends” — meet upstairs at Portland Friends Meetinghouse on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 10am.*  See calendar, below especially for exceptions. The content of each gathering varies; we always incorporate Quaker process in decision making and we always have fun!

If you have any questions, ideas, or want to get involved, please contact Heather Denkmire.

If you are a high schooler now, let Heather know and she’ll add you to the group text!

* We are a COVID-safe community and ask all participants to either mask, or take a COVID test before joining in. (Tests are available in the teen room!)


I’ve never been to Meeting for Worship, can I attend the Young Friends programming at Portland Friends Meeting?
Yes! Teens who have grown up in the Portland Friends Meeting and the simply Quaker-curious alike are welcome!

What is the “Young Friends programming” at Portland Friends Meeting?
The teens talk about what they’re interested in and we grow it all from there. There is always a component of Quaker education — First Day School (gathering together on Sundays), for example. We know that teens already have social lives, this will be for teens who are curious to know more about what being “a Friend” means in Quaker terms. Will we have pizza and movie nights? Game nights? Will we go bowling? Volunteering? Will we attend protests? Or will we create our own Instagram and/or TikTok? Maybe some or all of these! It depends on you, the high schoolers.

What does “Quaker” mean?
This is a complicated question! We think that the New England Yearly Meeting — where Friends Meetings connect — has some good answers as a start.

I’m a teenager in the 8th grade, can I attend the Young Friends activities?
We wish everyone could attend older teen activities! We’ve decided to follow the Portland public school system’s “cut off” for high school. So, if you turned 14 before 10/15/2024, you are considered an “older teen” during this (’24-’25) school year. If not, we are so excited to see you in a year or two (or three or four!).


Sunday March 9, 10am
regular 2nd & 4th Young Friends

March 14-16
Discernment Discovery Teen Retreat, Providence, RI

Sunday March 23, 10am
regular 2nd & 4th Young Friends


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