Responsibilities for Renters of Portland Friends Meetinghouse

We hope you will enjoy the use of our Meetinghouse. We ask that you respect it as our place of
worship by observing the following:

  1. No alcohol or drugs on the premises. Smoking outdoors only, using receptacle on front porch.
  2. Food or drinks only in parlor (main floor) and downstairs dining and kitchen areas.
  3. No tacks or scotch tape on walls, doors or woodwork. Masking tape only on painted woodwork.
  4. You are responsible for returning the area(s) rented to condition when you arrived:
    • Return everything you moved to original place (see chart in worship room on piano for seating plan).
    • Carpet sweep or vacuum rugs (equipment stored in office by front door).
    • Clean spills/soil on tiled floors using mop and bucket in furnace room (off kitchen).
    • Bag your trash and recyclables and carry them away for disposal.
  5. Chair lift is for disabled only. Instructions for use are on side of control box, key is on top of cabinet, manual is in kitchen corner cupboard to right of sink.
  6. Do not use classroom or nursery supplies or food supplies in kitchen or parlor.
  7. Telephone may be used for local outgoing calls only.
  8. Hot water heater is in small office next to kitchen. If you have rented the kitchen you may start the water heater by pressing the white button in center of control box on wall to the left of the heater. When leaving press same button to restore to program.
  9. There are five heating zones. Use only those for the room(s) you have rented. Follow directions posted by thermostats.
  10. Report things that are not working properly or in case of emergency, call:
(Muriel Allen (207 420-1021) and Megan Holt)

Use the following Checklist when leaving:

  • Put window quilts in down position during heating season.
  • Turn off stove burners and oven, and unplug and clean coffee makers, if you used them.
  • Close all interior doors except library door and door at bottom of stairs going to basement.
  • Turn all lights out (there is no switch for auto-controlled front porch light).
  • Collect and take your trash with you. We have no trash pick-up.
  • Lock front and rear doors with key from outside, and check handles.
  • If you used water heater press button to restore to program.

11. There is no storage space for equipment you may bring for your program. Anything left in the
Meeting House must be picked up within one week or we may dispose of it at our discretion.

12. Rental is arranged through

(Muriel Allen (207 420-1021) and Megan Holt)

After your program, return key to the key box next to the back door and twirl the numbers.

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