Second Month (February) Newsletter

Hello F/friends! Our Second Month newsletter is now available by clicking this link. You can also find a copy of the electronic newsletter in an e-group message (our Yahoo! email group) and on our “salon” Facebook page. Hard copies will be mailed early this week and will also be available at the Meetinghouse on Sunday.

The next deadline for the newsletter is March 7th at… 11:59pm. (I never begin work on the newsletter on that Tuesday evening, so anytime that night is fine.) I will, however, return to my strict cut off policy. Thank you so much for getting items in (at all! and) on time!


First Month (January) 2017

Our first newsletter of the year is available now, just click this link. …or get the link via the e-group, or in the Facebook “salon,” or as a hard copy in the snail mail (if you’re on the list), or as a hard copy at the Meetinghouse. There are so many ways to read the newsletter!

Next deadline is February Tuesday, February 7, at 9pm.


Twelfth Month (December) Newsletter

Hello F/friends! The newsletter is now available here (click the link), on the Yahoo! e-group, on the Facebook “parlor” page, and soon in hard copy format in the Meetinghouse. Those of you who receive paper copies will get yours in the mail soon!

The next deadline for the newsletter is January 3 at 9pm. It would be great if we had more submissions. Surely there are many more Quaker related news items we can share! We also need a member/attender profile for January. Email pfmnewsletter at grantwinners dot net if you would like some sample questions!

Heather Denkmire

Eleventh Month (November) Newsletter

Hello F/friends! The November issue of our newsletter is available here:

It will also be available on the yahoo! e-group, in the Facebook “salon,” and in hard copy in some mail boxes and in the Meetinghouse by the front door.

The next deadline is December 6th at 9pm.

Share photos! Profile yourself or your PFM friend (see this issue, a profile via interview!)!

See you soon,



Tenth Month (October) Newsletter

Hello F/friends! The newsletter is available for you to read by clicking this link. It will also be available on the e-group list, on our Facebook salon page, and in hard copy at the Meetinghouse. As always, Marion will be making sure the hard copies get to the appropriate mailboxes, too.

The next deadline is on November 8 at 9pm. Submissions can be sent to pfmnewsletter at grantwinners dot net.

Thank you!


Sixth Month (June) newsletter

Hello friends and Friends!

The Sixth Month newsletter is available for your reading pleasure. Click this link, or look for it in the Yahoo! email newsgroup listing, or pick up a hard copy at the Meetinghouse on Sunday! 🙂

There will be no July newsletter. The deadline for the 8th month issue is August 4th, the Thursday following the July 31 Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business.

Submissions can always be sent to pfmnewsletter at grantwinners dot net!


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