Sixth Month (June) Newsletter

Hello! The newsletter is available by clicking this link. It will also be shared on the e-group, at the Meetinghouse, and via snail mail for those who have requested hard copies.

The next deadline is a little unusual. There will be no newsletter in July. The next deadline will be on Sunday, August 6th at 11:59pm, following the July 30th Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business.

Peace & Social Concerns Updates

Voluntary Carbon Tax Witness

Check out this overview of Portland Friends Meeting’s Voluntary Carbon Tax Witness – and here is the committment form.  Please consider taking part in this individual and group witness for Earth and Creation.

A Guide to Staying Involved

Here’s the link to our updated Peace & Social Concerns Committee’s Guide to Staying Involved. Please note that this is a committee report on which the meeting has not acted.

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