Fifth Month (May) newsletter


Hello Friends,

The May newsletter is available for viewing by clicking on this link.

Our next deadline is June 10 at 9pm. Submissions can be emailed to pfmnewsletter at grantwinners dot net.

Please note: There will be no newsletter in July. The deadline for the summer issue will be Monday August 3rd at 9pm.


First month (January) 2015 Newsletter

Soon to be in some old fashioned mailboxes, the electronic version of our newsletter is available here.

The deadline for the next newsletter is February 4, at 9pm.

I’m on the lookout for someone who is comfortable using Pages (Apple) to serve as an emergency backup if there comes a time when I’m unable to take care of the newsletter. Familiarity with google drive files would also be a plus. I don’t foresee needing help, but last month’s flu-like virus that came through our family made me realize I should have some backup available. Thanks for considering it, or talking to any friend who might be interested! Feel free to email me with questions: Heather Denkmire,

9th Month (September) Newsletter

Our ninth month newsletter is available here. I’m considering renaming the newsletter to be the 9th-10th month, as I typically have it ready by mid-month.

In any case, it’s available now!

The deadline for the next newsletter is October 8, at 9pm.

Thank you for considering that deadline firm. If you submit items after that time, please assume they will go in the next issue. Or, preferably, don’t send them until the next issue’s deadline is approaching. Thank you, again!

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